WORLD UNDER CANVAS – 14. Festiwal Filmu i Sztuki Dwa Brzegi | Lubelskie 01.08-09.08.2020 Wed, 29 Jul 2020 16:26:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 There Is No Evil | CLOSING SCREENING Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:36:05 +0000 In contemporary Iran, killing is institutionalized, the death penalty remains in place and responsibility for the execution is spread over many people. But that doesn’t make the title evil disappear. Rasoulof tells four stories, connected by a common denominator – a mystery and a tough choice. The stories of four very different characters and the decisions they have to make are an important statement by the Iranian director against the death penalty. The silent dramas make up a powerful morality play about the limits of freedom and the consequences of choice. Film was awarded Golden Berlin Bear in 2020.

Whale from Lorino, The Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:32:00 +0000 The director, chose a distant part of the world, not only geographically but also mentally. The Czukocki Peninsula is located far from the tourist trails, monochromatic, in dim colours, still with a bust of Lenin in the middle of place. However, the inhabitants of Lorino: Inuit, Russians and Chuckles, struggling with everyday life and harsh climate have a common, quite bloody ritual. The community-wide whale hunting used to be strongly religious in the past. Today, economic considerations prevail – majestic mammals allow them to survive.

The screening by courtesy of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity.

Undine Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:27:42 +0000 Written based on the prose of Kazimierz Orłoś, the script by The clash of modern history and the ancient myth of beings from rivers and lakes mercilessly punishing unfaithful lovers, combined with a subtle and convincing love story. Undine (Paula Beer Silver Bear award winner) lives in Berlin and is a historian and guide. Her beloved Johannes leaves her for another woman. According to a powerful myth, he should pay the highest price for this. Christoph appears in her life and the feeling between him and Undine begins to develop. Petzold leads us through a symbolic tale of love and destiny.

Only the Animals Thu, 16 Jul 2020 22:23:20 +0000 The Cesar-nominated script is an adaptation of Colin Niel’s best-selling criminal novel. The film is an intriguing and tense brain teaser, in which the successive pieces of the puzzle gradually begin to fit together. In a sleepy mountain town in France, a woman mysteriously disappears during a snowstorm. Five strangers are involved in the mystery, each of them hiding something, and their motives are not entirely clear. The director reveals five glances at Evelyn’s disappearance, adding threads and confusing clues. The case goes far beyond the place where the empty car was found.

Assistant, The Thu, 16 Jul 2020 21:32:22 +0000 Although gender equality has long been included in the legislation, women are still victims of mobbing and abuse of power. The strike of #metoo movement inspired Kitty Green to tell a story that sadly still happens all over the world. A young girl, just a college graduate, starts to work as an assistant to an influential film producer. Julia Garner’s masterclass performance and the annoying question left, what do we keep closing our eyes to?
