Tenth Victim, The


La decima vittima
reż|dir Elio Petri | IT, FR | 1965 | 92 min
prod|pro Carlo Ponti scen|wr Tonino Guerra, Giorgio Salvioni, Ennio Flaiano, Elio Petri, Ernesto Gastaldi zdj|ph Gianni Di Venanzo muz|mus Piero Piccioni mon|ed Ruggero Mastroianni ob|cast Marcello Mastroianni, Ursula Andres, Elsa Martinelli, Salvo Randone, Massimo Serato, Milo Quesada, Luce Bonifassy dys|dis surifilm


There are no wars in the 21st century. The entertainment offered by the ubiquitous television has a brutal dimension. To satisfy the bloodthirsty instincts, the “Great Hunt” telethon is broadcast, in which life is at stake and fame and a million dollars are awards for the winner. Among the participants are hunters, who track and kill their victims and move on to the next round. The victims are selected at random. In the final, there is a clash between the desire for victory and more and more complicated emotions among the last two participants.

Elio Petri, actually Eraclio Petri (1929-1982) initially an Italian film critic, later a screenwriter and director. An activist and communist activist, he left the party after the USSR invasion of Hungary in 1956. His films have been very successful, among others he won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film - "Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion " (1970) and a Palme d'Or at the 25th. Cannes IFF for "The Working Class Goes to Heaven" (1971). He made films about political and social issues, often with elements of surrealism, irony and grotesque.

1979 Dobre wiadomości|Buone notizie|Good News
1976 Wszelkim sposobem|Todo modo|One Way or Another
1973 Własność nie pochodzi już z kradzieży|La proprietà non è più un furto|Property Is No Longer a Theft
1971 Klasa robotnicza idzie do raju|La classe operaia va in paradiso|The Working Class Goes to Heaven
1970 Śledztwo w sprawie obywatela poza wszelkim podejrzeniem|Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto|Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
1968 Spokojne miejsce na wsi|Un tranquillo posto di campagna|A Quiet Place in the Country
1967 Każdemu swoje|A ciascuno il suo|To Each His Own
1965 Dziesiąta ofiara|La decima vittima|The Tenth Victim
1963 Nauczyciel z Vigevano|Il maestro di Vigevano|The Teacher from Vigevano
1962 Dni są policzone|I giorni contati|His Days Are Numbered
1961 Zabójca|L'assassino|The Assassin

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